Shaddock for Congress in 1992, 1996, 2000

Candidate for the House of Representatives
Virginia, 10th District
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Hagelin for President



About the Candidates

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Rick Shaddock

Shaddock for Congressman
Virginia, 10th District

  • Public policy - based on sound scientific research
  • Government - based on the principles of natural law
  • Crime - proven rehabilitation and stress reduction techniques
  • Taxes reduction - improved efficiency and simplification of government
  • Health care - prevention oriented health care programs
  • Environment - renewable energy production and conservation
  • Education - proven consciousness and intelligence raising techniques
  • Politics - bringing together the best ideas of all parties
  • Election - reform to reduce the influence of special interest groups
  • Internet - free access to information for all, web page education
    Proponent of Amendment to the 1st Amendment to include "or the internet"

John Hagelin, PhD
Presidential Candidate
world-renowned quantum physicist, educator, author, and public policy expert.

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Sarina J. Grosswald, Ed.D.

Congressional Candidate,
Virginia's 11th District

Dr. Sarina Grosswald holds a doctorate degree from George Washington University. She is a professional in medical education and has her own consulting firm.

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Rick Shaddock, M.A.

Congressional Candidate,
Virginia's 10th District

Rick  is president of internet based
Computer Instructors Corporation,

and a consultant to U.S. Government agencies
military branches, embassies, associations, and corporations worldwide. Honorable Discharge USMC

1996 Results
